Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 14/02/2011
5 Sep 2007 Sad news today from Shaquille O'Neal and his soon-to-be ex-wife, Shaunie. The basketball star's lawyer filed a divorce petition,
11 Nov 2009 Shaunie, the wife of NBA player-turned-rapper Shaquille O\'Neal has reportedly filed for divorce from the baller after nearly seven years of
6 Sep 2007 Shaquille O'Neal has filed to divorce his wife after nearly five years of marriage, his attorney said Tuesday night. Shaunie O'Neal Files for Divorce, Shaq Cheating with Gilbert Arenas' Fiance? By Larry Brown November 10, 2009 - Posted in Gossip
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5 Sep 2007 Blog:SFGate: Daily Dish: 20024 : Shaq Files for Divorce Shaq Files for Divorce. Shaquille O'Neal has filed for divorce from his wife
4 Sep 2007 Shaquille O'Neal has filed to divorce his wife after nearly five years of marriage, his attorney said Tuesday night.
5 Sep 2007 Basketball star Shaquille O'Neal has filed for divorce from his wife Shaunie Nelson after five years of marriage.
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends,
10 Nov 2009 Shaquille O'Neal's wife is splitting up with the Cleveland Cavaliers center. Va' Shaundya O'Neal filed for legal separation with intent to
Shaquille O'Neal has filed for divorce from his wife of 5 years, Shaunie, the mother of four of his five children. The petition filed on behalf of the Miami
4 Sep 2007 Look out ladies (seriously, get out of his way), Big Shaq Diesel is going back on the market. In divorce papers filed Tuesday in a Miami
11 Nov 2009 Professional basketball great Shaquille O'Neal's wife of seven years has filed for legal separation with the intention of seeking a divorce.
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends,
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends,
Shaq Files For Divorce – Will The Prenup Hold Up? By Monica | Published: October 30, 2007. NBA all-star Shaquille O'Neal has filed for divorce from wife,
5 Sep 2007 The Miami Heat star claims his marriage to Shaunie has been "irretrievably broken"
5 Sep 2007 Posted by Bossip Staff Did Kobe snitchin' have anything to do with this? The Miami Herald is reporting Shaq filed for divorce today: Miami
5 Sep 2007 please!! shaq has been cheating for some time now and HE HAS THE NERVE TO FILE FOR DIVORCE?!?!?! he betta go lay down somewhere!

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