Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 14/02/2011
27 Jan 2007 Wales: Free Prescriptions - Subsidised By England's Tax Payers... "We've Made The English Jealous!" Gloats Welsh First Minister Rhodri
Find free cancer prescriptions information at Macmillan Cancer Support. Prescriptions in Wales Back to top. All prescriptions are free in Wales.
Job cuts and a future end to free prescriptions in Wales look inevitable in the current climate, Plaid Cymru's top economic adviser has told the BBC.
27 Jan 2007 The government has been accused of presiding over a two-tier health service after it was announced that prescription charges are to be
17 Apr 2010 If the English people want policies like that then they need to be more left- leaning, politically speaking, like Wales and perhaps campaign for
(Free Prescriptions and Charges for Drugs and Appliances) (Wales) Wales Statutory Instruments are not carried in their revised form on this site.
Jump to : Wales. In Wales prescriptions are free. Back to top. Increase text. Decrease text. Printer friendly page Print this page
Once again, I feel the need to defend the Welsh Assembly Government's policy on free prescriptions, something BMA Cymru Wales fought long and hard to have
11 Feb 2011 If you live in Wales, all prescriptions are free whatever your age and whether or not you get benefits. The NHS Direct Wales website (New
17 Jun 2009 "The Conservative Party will scrap free prescriptions for all in Wales if it gains power in the assembly. The party says those who can
17 Jun 2009 The Conservative Party will scrap free prescriptions for all in Wales if it gains power in the assembly.

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