Products made by “Gerard Roofing Technologies, Inc.” at . Western Roofing - Products - Gerard Roofing Technologies - Bay


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 14/02/2011

Review of steel shingle-maker Gerard, including a product summary, warranty review, history and contact information.

Gerard roofing products combine the toughness of steel with the natural beauty and durability of earth-stone granules to create the ultimate roofing system.

Gerard Roofs® manufactured by AHI Roofing, the innovators of natural stone chip- coated, pressed metal roof tile technology, are now produced in Europe.

Lifetime Limited Warranty Coverage: Gerard Roofing Technologies (“Gerard”) warrants that each Gerard roofing panel/product will

Products made by “Gerard Roofing Technologies, Inc.” Below is a list of products matching your search term(s).

Gerard Roofing Systems logo, Gerard Roofing Systems Group: AHI Roofing steel roof shingle GERARD® SENATOR SHINGLE Gerard Roofing Systems

Gerard Roofing is a Metals USA company offering stone coated steel roofs rated at 120 MPH wind.

Gerard steel roofing panels are formed from sheet steel complying with ASTM A 653, SS Grade 33, indicating the manufacturer's name (Gerard Roofing

Gerard Roofing company profile in Draper, UT. Our free company profile report for Gerard Roofing includes business information such as contact,

Learn about Gerard Shingles including their installation, warranty, product ratings and reviews to determine if they are the best choice for your home.

JR and Company Roofing Contractors are certified to install Gerard stone coated steel panel roofing applications.

8 Feb 2011 Our company made a trip to a recent Remodeling Expo in Charlotte, NC and came across the Gerard Roofing Products booth.

Product Search Results for Roof Shakes, Shingles & Tiles--Metal. Manufacturers Listed: Gerard Roofing Technologies.

Stone Coated Steel Tile, custom residential & commercial roofing, all brand name products available.

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