Sock Hop. Host a Sock Hop Party


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 14/02/2011

For a fun 50s Sock Hop birthday party, the Party Supplies Hut has all your 50s Sock Hop party favors and 50s Sock Hop party supplies.

A theme party featuring 50s Sock Hop party supplies including printable games, balloons, invitations, favors, plates, decorations, centerpieces, tablecloths

10 Mar 2010 Sock Hop Party Ideas. Sock hops are a blast to plan and for the guests who attend. The 1950's was a time of sodapop, roller skates,

6 Feb 2011 So you've been invited to a sock hop party, or you need ideas for throwing on your very own 50's theme party, but what do you do? what do

For a kids party you could set up a table for your guest to decorate foam or cardboard frames for their photo. For a school sock hop, you can use a digital

All, Adult Costumes, Kid's Costumes, Party Supplies, Accessories & Makeup, Hats, 50's Hop With Poodle Skirt Adult Costume. Perfect for a sock hop!

15 Jan 2002 Sock Hop Party. My mother Donna is turning 50 in April and we are throwing her a 50's sock-hop to celebrate we will have costume contests

Host a sock hop party and get ready to twist the night away! Find sock hop ideas for invitations, decorations, activities, food and favors.

Rock around the clock with Sock Hop 50s party supplies. Sock Hop 50s party supplies features fun 50s icons such as jukeboxes, records, malts and more.

Ah, the fifties. Happy Days! There were such quirky fads going on in those days, including the lingo, that it might be fun to take a night and recreate the

16 Mar 2010 A sock hop is basically a 50's tribute party with some times classic dance moves (if you know the steps). Its at one of these events that

Then at the Sock Hop Party later on at three different points in the evening we will perform these dances as a group and videotape them as well to be shown

Plan a 1950s Sock Hop Party! Invitations. Invitations are a great way to reflect the spirit and theme of your party. Nobbies offers many different types of

Rock and Roll 50's Sock Hop Party Supplies and Custom-Made Treasure Hunt Party Games, Legends of Lost Treasure, and Party Accessories.

Sock hop party planning can be just as fun as the actual event when you get rest of your sock hop party planning, so be sure to do something creative.

31 Mar 2009 These five 50's dance hits will enliven any sock hop theme party.

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