Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 14/02/2011
Low divorce rates in countries with arranged marriages points to the success of the arranged marriage. High divorce rates in countries with love marriages
11 Aug 2007 I don't think arranged marriage is that bad.... the divorce rates Your observation is correct, but you can't conclude that because arranged › ... › › - -
23 Jul 2009 The reporter found a figure that Microkhan has long been on the hunt for, regarding the divorce rate for arranged marriages (of the
4 Apr 2007 Asian countires right now particularly arranged marriage societies have the fastest growing divorce rates and the highest suicides (over
There is a widely held view that arranged marriages lead to a much lower divorce rate compared to love marriages. This is because historically, the divorce
13 Nov 2007 Statistics tell us that the divorce rate for arranged marriages is The secret of low divorce rates in arranged marriages is simply
Divorce and Marriage Law question: What is the divorce rate of arranged marriages? The divorce rate in arranged marriage is 5%.
10 Aug 2004 Do arranged marriages work? Opinions tend to differ. Statistics place the divorce rate for arranged marriages much lower than those in the
Point of clarification: we need to be careful about taking arranged marriages from the perspective of the divorce rate. It is true that only a few arranged
The arranged marriage divorce rate is 4% but very low due to the fact that women in India are hardly encouraged to get divorces despite the possibility of
8 Apr 2007 And the comments speaks of lower divorce rates in India under name of arranged marriage - then listen my mother bore it silently all 26
Lower divorce rates:Yes!Arranged marriages has very low divorce rates from 0-5% when compared to western marriages where divorce rate is close to 50%.
29 Jul 2004 I was sent this link today - Arranged Marriage, with the words - The reason for a higher divorce rate is also because of better
Percentage of "arranged marriages" (where parents pick their sons or daughters with the highest divorce rate: psychiatrists and marriage counselors
21 Apr 2010 Arranged marriages are most common in places like the Middle East, South Asia and East Asia [1]. In these areas, the divorce rate in "love
Arranged marriage is the norm in many parts of the world. And if one were to look at the low divorce rates there (we must admit that women there also have
15 Mar 2003 Over 90 percent of marriages in India are still arranged. The divorce rate in India is only 2 percent, compared with a 25 to 50 percent
31 Aug 2009 In arranged marriages, children are mostly regarded as the main source Divorce rates of Western countries used to be much lower in the

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