Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 14/02/2011
Even though it is called surgery, a Gamma Knife procedure does not involve actual surgery, nor is the Gamma Knife really a knife at all.
6 Apr 2010 Our patients can return to the same level of activity they're used to within 24 hours of Gamma Knife surgery, which means you spend less
Current and accurate information for patients about the Gamma Knife. a radiation oncologist, be at the treatment console during the entire procedure.
For treatment of trigeminal neuralgia the procedure may be used repeatedly on patients. The risks of Gamma Knife radiosurgery treatment are very low and
15 Sep 2006 The Gamma Knife procedure is used to treat trigeminal neuralgia. "The Gamma Knife was developed in 1968 by Dr. Lars Leksell in Sweden.
Gamma Knife® surgery offers a safe and effective treatment for more than 40000 patients every year. The treatment procedure is simple. painless and
Gamma Knife is non-invasive surgery for brain tumors, inoperable brain lesions, malignant tumors, tuberous sclerosis, metastatic brain cancer,
Gamma Knife educational and treating information on stereotactic radiosurgery for tumors in the brain and body.
Generally patients experience no immediate side effects from the Gamma Knife™ procedure other than a mild headache or nausea.
Gamma Knife Radiosurgery. Last updated 4/23/02. Stereotactic Radiosurgery. Radiosurgery is a surgical procedure in which narrow beams of radiation are
Gamma-knife radiosurgery uses radiation to perform brain surgery without opening the Gamma Knife® surgery. International RadioSurgery Association.
Gamma Knife Surgery (GKS) is a minimally invasive neurosurgical procedure performed by neurosurgeons and colleagues from radiation oncology and medical
You'll be awake during the procedure and able to communicate with your Leksell Gamma Knife team through a video and audio connection.
The gold standard for treating brain tumors and other serious neurological disorders without an incision. The Leksell Gamma Knife is recognized worldwide as
1 Jun 2009 An overview of the gamma knife procedure, a knifeless surgery that allows doctors to treat certain types of brain tumors with radiation
Not all patients are good candidates for Gamma Knife surgery. Gamma Knife patients are chosen after thorough evaluation of patient history, medical records,

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