Pingu Throw - Free online games at Free Yeti Sports Pt1: Pingu Throw Download


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 14/02/2011

The original of the now famous Yeti Sports flash game series, Pingu Throw is a classic in it's own right. Sweet and simple, hit the penguin as far as you

Bat the poor penguin as far as you can! Simple and.

Free Pingu Throw games for everybody! - Slam the pinguin over the ice, try to set a new record!

Play pingu throw games online from our exciting free pingu throw games collection.

Hit The Penguin As Far As It Can Go. free games · girl games. fun stuff title, : Pingu Throw. submitter, : Chris Hilgert. uploaded, : plays, : 1631

Play online penguin throw game. Penguins throw from the sky with the throw. Penguin throw game is a very funny game.

PART 1 - Pingu-Throw. EDELWEISS MEDIENWERKST.AT - WWW.E-MEDIEN.COM. free online version for your homepage do not modify or sell. MOUSE CLICK CONTROL

Yeti baseball game. Play Penguin Throw online games. As Yeti, you hit the penguins and try for the longest distance.

9 Aug 2006 Play Pingu Throw free! Hit the penguin as far as it can go.

Play Pingu-Throw and other arcade games at Free Classic Games.

In Yeti Sports 1 - Pingu Throw, you play an abominable snowman who is doing a bit of batting. Penguins fall from overhead and you have to give then a good

Pingu Throw, Slam the penguin over the ice; try to set a new record!

14 Nov 2007 First game of the Yetisports series. Try to hit the penguin as far as you can!

Play Pingu Throw on One of the most popular online games available, it can be played for free, here. The words associated by the players with

Who says penguins can't fly? Help Yeti throw Pingu the penguin into the record books.

Yeti 1 Bloody Pingu Throw, free flash game, play game, online game, free game, flash game, play online, free web games, dress up games.

Bloody Pingu Throw online Flash Kids Game, Play Now.In this game your task is to hit Pingu as far as you can.

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