Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 14/02/2011
Freemason - A member of the widespread secret Order founded in London in 1717, of Free and Accepted Masons, pledged to brotherliness and mutual aid
An exploration of the earliest use of the word Freemason.
7) says erroneously that Paine was a Freemason; but an eminent member of that Mason's Lodge, that whatever knowledge remains of the origin of Masonry is
2012 Freemason Revelations by Jan Wicherink. Original version the chalice of the Last Supper but very likely 'a secret' that reveals the true origins
His pamphlet, Origin Of Free-Masonry, proposed that Masonry's embodiment of the sun The marshal of the day was another Freemason, General Jacob Morton.
In the Royal Arch Degree (13th degree), the Mason is given a three-syllable Their goal was to free Italy from the control of monarchy and the Pope. aren 't allowed to join masonic lodges, even though their origin is masonic.
25 Aug 2000 Sir William, the chapel builder, is also the direct ancestor of First Grand Master Mason of Scotland, also named William St Clair (Sinclair)
The exact origin of the free- is a subject of dispute. Some see a corruption of Fr. frère "brother," from frèremaçon "brother mason;" others say it was
Freemasonry Watch - Freemasons News & Freemason Enlightenment Ignatius Press Blog: The Origins of Masonry, by William J. Whalen
18 Apr 2010 The secrecy Masons relied on at the onset of their history both secured and distorted their impressive contribution to independence and
Toll-free: 1 866 MediaNet. E-mail: Scottish Masons , who inherited the Templars' heritage, returned it to France many years
9 Oct 2008 He says this phrase Mestre mason de franche pere is most significant for the probable origin of the term "freemason." In 1360 the statute
The Origins Of The NWO Freemason Reptilian Lords Cartoon Video..wmv.
Though some Masons trace their organization's origin back to the beginning So far, no responsible authority has held that a Freemason must believe the

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