Form Handler - Free CGI - EchoEcho.Com - As Easy As It Gets!. - Free remotely hosted CGI form mail, form processor


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 14/02/2011

11 Mar 2003 Writing a Simple Form Mailer. Create Free Flash Websites - Click Here You may remember from the Your first CGI script tutorial that CGI

They show you how to add free forms to your site! The promise is that your form will be Perl/cgi scripts MySQL databases. Password protected folders

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Make a form for your site. Next, upload CGI Perl script to your website, it's free and this converts the data into an email and sends it to

Free form processing CGI script that sends delimited form data to a data file script, and up to 2 E-mail address's. Also has an autoresponse feature,

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Free CGI scripts, tools and resources for webmasters. Create a form in your website and direct it to the form2mail program as follows:

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Visual Form Mail lets you create powerful form processing CGI scripts using a wizard-like interface. No programming is required. Free Download!

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