Does anyone know how to felt old cashmere sweaters? It doesn't . Felting/Fulling Sweaters


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 14/02/2011

10 Oct 2008 I collect old sweaters for felting. Go green! posted 1 year ago by jean h (guest ) Reply to comment. I especially like the flower ball at the

I use hot water for the wash and warm water for the rinse when I am felting/ fulling old sweaters. I use about 1/2 of the laundry detergent that I normally

15 Jan 2008 You can do mitten projects with old sweaters where you felt the sweaters first, just cut them out and go for it, or even go nuts with

25 Jan 2008 Did moths munch on your wool sweaters? All is not lost! You can re-purpose that sweater.

24 Sep 2009 My first few sweaters took three loads to felt well, but once I did I've been saving a few old sweaters that my son outgrew in order to

25 Jan 2008 Did moths munch on your wool sweaters? All is not lost! You can re-purpose that sweater.

27 Dec 2010 Learn how to felt wool, and you can recycle used wool sweaters into an array of useful household items and fun gifts.

13 Jan 2011 I have always wanted to try my hand at felting (also called fulling) an old wool sweater. I've read how easy it was and due to the massive

Get some ideas for reused wool sweater projects. Don't throw out your old sweaters; instead learn how to reuse old wool sweaters by felting them,

18 Nov 2008 I also have a shop where I sell wool sweaters for felting I used the front of a really old sweater of mine that said SKATER on it and

17 Feb 2009 can also turn an old sweater into a bag, preferably after felting it, and preferably with a liner. I found several options, from the tote

You can use old sweaters and other woolen items to make wonderful felt for craft and decorating projects. - Use Old Wool Sweaters and Blankets to Make Felt

12 Sep 2010 Felt Old Sweaters. If you've got a sweater you don't use anymore (maybe it shrank?) you can turn it into felt to use in crafts.

10 Dec 2007 I have tons of projects on my blog,, for recycling and felting old sweaters. I love this post and will link to it

23 Jun 2008 I just recently got into felting - so I love finding new info on it. I put my sweaters in old pillowcases and use a rubber band to close the

10 Dec 2007 I have tons of projects on my blog,, for recycling and felting old sweaters. I love this post and will link to it

I am trying to make a patchwork cashmere baby blanket. "Oh! I like contests! I don't know about 100% cashmere, but I have felted mohair/cashmere blends and

28 Nov 2010 Since I've got such a stash of old sweaters to recycle, I'll probably use those instead of wool felt. I've got a felted cashmere sweater in

Felt a sweater and cut out the shape of your dreams. Then with the second wash your old XXXL fits your 9-year old niece.

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