TRADEMARKS ON BASE-METAL TABLEWA. GENUKI: Sheffield Directory, 1852, letters T to Z


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 14/02/2011

This is a very heavy tanged Chisel ; it is of the finest quality, being of the Ward & Payne (Sheffield) make. It is used by carpenters for putting on door

30 Jan 2011 5 Jan 2009 This illustration is from a Ward and Payne Ltd., Sheffield catalog, And like the knife above, the handle looks very comfortable,

This is a very heavy tanged Chisel ; it is of the finest quality, being of the Ward & Payne (Sheffield) make. It is used by carpenters for putting on door

Turner Mark, pen and pocket knife manufr.,. 47 Burgess st; h Cobden view the Chesterfield & of the Sheffield County. courts; h Osgathorpe House Ward & Lindley, wholesale butchers, 1. Killing Shambles. Ward & Payne, merchts.

The Sheffield Bowie and Pocket-knife. Makers, 1825-1925. T.A. Vinall, Notting- ham, England. See Ward & Payne. 2. WILLIAM ADAMS, INC.

It is from these records that we know when the famous Ward and Payne mark of the crossed hammers and anvil was 2011 The University of Sheffield

In the 14th century, Sheffield was already noted for the production of knives, as mentioned It consists of 84 councillors elected to represent 28 wards— three "SI (Chris Knight, Keith Tyssen and Brett Payne) with Keiko Mukaide

27 Sep 2007 Ward & Payne/Sheffield, England : Precision Adjust Spoke Shave. Kitchen Collectibles from A to Z · Knives & Knife Making

24 Dec 2009 1974: Washer, Richard The Sheffield Bowie and Pocket-knife Makers, AD 2059 See Austin & Dodson, Ltd. ADDIS, S.J. See Ward & Payne

In the 14th century, Sheffield was already noted for the production of knives, as mentioned It consists of 84 councillors elected to represent 28 wards— three "SI (Chris Knight, Keith Tyssen and Brett Payne) with Keiko Mukaide

{{cite web |url= |title=B2499 Plane, double, cast steel, brassed nutted, Ward & Payne, [Sheffield] England, 1900-1950 (F).

Turner Mark, pen and pocket knife manufr.,. 47 Burgess st; h Cobden view the Chesterfield & of the Sheffield County. courts; h Osgathorpe House Ward & Lindley, wholesale butchers, 1. Killing Shambles. Ward & Payne, merchts.

5 Jan 2009 This illustration is from a Ward and Payne Ltd., Sheffield catalog, And like the knife above, the handle looks very comfortable,

28 Nov 2010 ward payne knife sheffield. spyderco rescue knife. ontario knife co sp24. belt buckle knife. the woodlands texas storm drains

(Ward and Payne;) house: Mount view, Glossop road; Ward Charles, scissor maker and Ward George, pen and pocket knife manufacturer, 171 Eyre street

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