"Can Deacons Be Divorced?" - Probe Ministries.


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 14/02/2011

17 Mar 2003 I sincerely regret allowing divorce to be the reason for not ordaining deacons and pastors. As a pastor, I have prevented several good and

16 Sep 2008 So, I ask this question, does divorce disqualify a man from being ordained as a deacon? Bear in mind, according to 1 Timothy 3:12,

13 Jun 2000 In one application Stanley's divorce is not the specific issue. But since the witnessing of the Elders/Deacons and Trustees are

Since divorce is not mentioned in that verse, does it eliminate a divorced man from serving as a deacon?" Bible Answer: No matter how I answer this question

Lion & Lamb Church Statement on Divorce and Remarriage related to potential Elders and Deacons. Lion & Lamb Church desires to recognize those men Christ has

Deacons must be blameless before the law of God concerning marriage (and divorce ). If a man can justly (keeping the precepts of Scripture) put away his wife

3 Jan 2009 assembly of god church, divorce remarriage, getting a divorce: Nancy, Thank you for the opportunity to help. Before I answer, let me be very

Since divorce is not mentioned in that verse, does it eliminate a divorced man from serving as a deacon?" Bible Answer: No matter how I answer this question

11 May 2010 One of this Examiner's regular readers and contributors of commentary replied to yesterday's published article this morning entitled,

The first qualification of an elder/deacon/pastor is to be “above reproach” (1 Timothy 3:2). If the divorce and/or remarriage results in a poor testimony

What is the responsibility of a deacon in the baptist church? Southern Baptist Convention on divorce as deacon? What are duties of deacons in Freewill

However, God's word is clear that after divorce a man is not qualified to lead as a pastor or deacon in a church. He can serve in many other ways,

A pastor stated he could serve completely with a deacon who was divorced and remarried and had been ordained by someone else. However, he could not ordain a

Some wish the Bible gave more instructions, because the questions that remain in the minds of many have sometimes fueled controversy within churches. The.

21 Feb 2009 Sabbath Service 2-21-09. Deacon Randy Folliard - "Divorce and Remarriage". O nline Studies | Q&A | Search | Free Literature | Free DVDs | H

Deacons must be blameless before the law of God concerning marriage (and divorce ). If a man can justly (keeping the precepts of Scripture) put away his wife

9 Aug 2007 Remember if this 'NO DIVORCE DEACON/PASTOR VIEW is correct, than this is the only one of these qualifications that goes back over a person's

6 May 2010 It's a telling and tragic development in this predominantly Catholic country -- and the lineup is, um, interesting: For married men and

5:31-32) and Paul added an allowance for divorce if left by an unbelieving spouse (1 Corinthians 7:15). If a man seeking the office of elder or deacon had

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