Sissy Panties for Sissies and Transvestites. Does Wearing Panties make me a sissy? | Answerbag


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 14/02/2011

CROSSDRESSING men wearing panties, CROSSDRESSING in lingerie and pantyhose Two sissies in frilly silky panties and petticoats discover excited hard

31 Dec 2010 >Patti > >SISSY RULES >1. You must always wear panties. Sissies are not >allowed to own men's underwear. >2. You must always have your

I want to let you be the naughty little sissy boy you really are. Designing and sewing Mens panties is my fetish, just like wearing panties is yours.

I wondered what each one would think if she knew I was wearing panties, if she saw me in admonishing me about being a sissy and wearing women's undies.

31 Dec 2010 >Patti > >SISSY RULES >1. You must always wear panties. Sissies are not >allowed to own men's underwear. >2. You must always have your

14 Jan 2011 I'd like to meet a very masculine straight bloke that likes guys like me ( feminine and wearing PINK PANTIES, but also hairy!).

1 Feb 2005 A panty pet is a sissy whose fetish centers on wearing womenn's panties, usually with B&D overtones. Padded panties give the shape of a

Men in Panties and Other Female Clothing is a FREE access community for all things feminine. PANTIES. including Thongs, GStings, Granny Panty, Briefs, Sissy Panties, and in all the Man Wearing Panties Buy Him Some Sexy Lingerie

You can come here every day and get your daily dose of sissy galleries featuring sissy boys masturbating in panties, getting fucked, sucking and doing

He wears panties and a bra every day now. When the weather is cool, he wears a camisole The carrot and stick approach works well with my little sissy.

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11 Feb 2008 I know you will enjoy wearing the garter as a reminder that you are a pantywaist sissy. serena, You will enjoy wearing panties 24/7 like I

Would your wife tease and make fun of you or would she herself gets excited and want to play with your sissy cock? wearing my wife's panties and lingerie

Does Wearing Panties make me a sissy? No. It takes a lot of nerve for a man to be confident enough with his masculinity to wear women\'s underwear.

sissy rules : and they are all been accepted from girls and boys i asked around till i got these rules: You must always wear panties.

1 Feb 2005 A panty pet is a sissy whose fetish centers on wearing womenn's panties, usually with B&D overtones. Padded panties give the shape of a

As the shot sissy wearing panties pic out he rejoiced: "One! When this one had begun, he had sissy wearing panties pic an onagain, offagain worker at a

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A site for sissies in panties and those who love to feminize them.

He wears panties and a bra every day now. When the weather is cool, he wears a camisole The carrot and stick approach works well with my little sissy.

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